Our professional resources

Our collaborators are our heritage.
Starting from this philosophy we choose brilliant resources, able to offer the right competence and a marked professionalism in every situation.
We are especially looking for professional figures available for travel and / or regional transfers, with knowledge in the electro-technical, electronic and IT fields.

Our partners

We are looking for partners with strong professionalism in the design and mechanical realization who, together with our professionalism in the field of software development and automation, want to create innovative products that are sure to be successful for the automotive market.


CNC Robot
Via Galvani 8 Z.I.
Ruvo di Puglia (BA) – Italy

Cell. +39 347 430 19 28
Cell. +39 347 965 83 83

FAX: +39 080 969 22 11
Email: info@cncrobot.it

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Attach your Curriculum Vitae or company profile

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