
DYNAMIC-CNC automation 4.0 is already here.

10nnipng10nnipngDYNAMIC-CNC is a numerical control developed and tested for several years, born from the experience gained over time in the field of assistance and retrofit with other systems.
Sviluppato con tecnologia Developed with National-Instruments technology, it runs on Windows-Linux and Macos systems

Punti di forza:

  • Commercial hardware with low maintenance costs
  • Possibility to manage any motor and drive, from analogue to digital (ANALOG, STEPPER, PWM, ETHERCAT)
  • Interpolation cycle and PID of 65 microseconds
  • Field I / O without limits (NI, Ethercat, Profinet, Profibus)
  • PLC Siemens S7 series or VIPA, which manages the machine logic
  • N ° 10 interpolated axes between linear and circular and 6 spindles
  • Possibility to manage asynchronous axes in profinet or profibus, as well as Siemens operator panels
  • Linear, circular and spline interpolations
  • Possibility to manage with one CNC: machining centers, lathes, robots, exapods and any kinematics
  • Autotunig and oscilloscope to optimize axes dynamics
  • FANUC programming, Standar Cycles, Parametric Programming, Creation of custom macros
  • Lockhead of 200 program lines
  • Infinite program memory
  • 3D simulation and TOOL View
  • Possibility to manage the application by FTP or mobile